we recieved provisional approval today

Just wanted everyone to know that we received our provisional approval from USCIS today in the mail … One more step in the process! Now that has to make the rounds to several places and we should receive final approval next week sometime? That has to be done before we are given our travel date.

Keep praying that the process continues to proceed smoothly and that God continues to prepare our hearts and Caleb’s heart for this change in all our lives!

Letter of Approval

Here is a copy of the actual Letter of Approval from China.  We got all the paperwork signed off and sent overnight to USCIS and to our adoption agency.  We are starting to move in the right direction!  Lots of things to get done in the next eight weeks!  Jake (3/25) and Nick (4/16) are worried about us missing their birthdays.  We will be praying that we can thread that needle!


Kelly informs me that we will NOT be getting any additional pictures of Caleb before going to China.  That kind of stinks!  I guess this orphanage will not send those out and will not allow us to come and see the orphanage when we are in China.  While that makes the time go by a little more slowly, at least we have a time frame of when we will be traveling and bringing Caleb home!


Letter of Approval

We received our letter of approval today!  That is very exciting news as it means the clock is now running and we can start making plans to head to China to get Caleb.  We are probably looking at eight weeks from right now, putting us right at the beginning of April.  Jake is worried that we will miss his birthday (March 25th) and Nick is worried that we will miss his (April 16th)!  Hopefully we can land right in the middle!

I will update you when we know more!
